Evidence-based practice (EBP) in involves providing holistic, quality care based on the most up-to-date research and knowledge rather than traditional methods, advice from colleagues, or personal beliefs.
Clinical questions can be broken down into smaller parts to make the information-seeking process easier.
Write a PICO question when you are asking foreground questions, not background questions.
Use PICO to write a clear, researchable clinical question. The four elements of PICO break a research topic into searchable keywords and make locating evidence-based practice research sources easier.
PICO is an acronym for:
PICO may sometimes include these additional letters. Use these to make your search even more specific:
PICO questions are written differently for the below clinical question types.
Clinical Question Types:
Appropriate for: clinical questions, often addressing the effect of an intervention/therapy/treatment
Example: For Millennials with type II diabetes (P) does the use of telehealth consultations (I) compared to in-person consultations (C) promote weight loss (O)?
Element | Description | Example |
Population / problem | Who is the group of people being studied? | Millennials with type II diabetes |
Intervention | What is the intervention being investigated? (independent variable) | telehealth consultations |
Comparison | To what is the intervention being compared? | in person consultation |
Outcome | What are the desired outcomes of the intervention? (dependent variable) | weight loss |
When reading an article, report, or other summary of a research study, there are two principal questions to keep in mind:
1. Is this relevant to my patient or the problem?
2. Is the evidence in this study valid?
The pyramid below represents the hierarchy of evidence