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Persuasive Speech: Research: Starting point

Citation Help

APA Style Guide

APA Style7 Guide for References List and In-text citation

Chicago Style Manual

Notes & Bibliography Citation Guide
This guide provides examples and tips on how to cite sources in the Chicago Notes & Bibliography style.

Notes & Bibliography Overview
View this handout for a more detailed explanation of how to use the Chicago Notes & Bibliography style.

MLA Style Guide

Looking for an article on a topic for a Speech and Communication class?

  • Go to a LSCS page.
  • Click on libraries from the top menu above the blue bar.
  • Click on Research Databases
  • Select Social Sciences
  • Click on Articles
  • Select Communication & Mass Media Complete
  • You can start doing keyword searches by typing your keyword (not a sentence) in the "Basic" search box, Or,
  • Click on Advanced Search (screenshot added) from the bottom of the search box 
  • Type different keywords in different boxes
  • Narrow your search by selecting the boxes for Full-Text, Scholarly / Peer-Reviewed Journal and Publication
  • Click on Search
  • Be sure to Email, Print or Save the article/s from the same menu on the right/

    See the video below on how to Cite articles found in EBSCO databases 

Looking for a particular Journal?

  • Click here:
  • Type the name of the journal to see if the library has that available online
  • If available, click on the databases link and start browsing by year of publication
  • You can also search within that publication by keyword using the box on the left of the page, that says: Search within this Publication. Click on Advanced Search (screenshot added) to enter your keywords in the search boxes.