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Short Story Criticism: Find Articles

This guide will help you find resources for the analysis and interpretation of short stories.

Finding articles ...

To find articles on literary criticism use some of these databases. If you can't find criticism about a particular work, type the author's name in quotes in one search box, and the word criticism in another, for example, "Scott Fitzgerald" in one search box and criticism in another search box.

If you are searching databases from off-campus, you will be asked to enter the 14 digit barcode found on the back of your student id.

Citation Help

APA Style Guide

APA Style7 Guide for References List and In-text citation

Chicago Style Manual

Notes & Bibliography Citation Guide
This guide provides examples and tips on how to cite sources in the Chicago Notes & Bibliography style.

Notes & Bibliography Overview
View this handout for a more detailed explanation of how to use the Chicago Notes & Bibliography style.

MLA Style Guide