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Electrical Technology: Home

Electrical Technology provides practical training to students who want to learn about construction or maintenance electrical work, electrical interfaces with wiring and telecommunications systems, or who desire training to pass the Texas State Licensing


This research guide will help you find books, ebooks, articles, audio-visuals and professional / educational web sites related to Electrical Technology.


Starting Your Research

Articles from the library's online databases provide you with the most recent, scholarly, peer-reviewed and researched information from journals, magazines and reports in electrical technology. See the page titled Find Articles for detailed information and links to the article databases. 
Books / eBooks
Use books to get the detailed and historical data and background information on your topic.
Reference books
Use reference books like dictionaries and encyclopedias to get the basic ideas and the exact definition on a topic. 
The web can be a great source of digital information hub if you select the right sources. Try using government and educational sites for scholarly  resources. Also try genuine primary information provided by professional organizations. Check out the sites we have added on the page titled Websites of this guide.


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Geneen Clinkscales
Subjects: BUSI: Business, CIT, OER