Academic Integrity & Plagiarism (Texas A&M University Libraries)
Avoiding Plagiarism
Informative web site on plagiarism by Online Writing Lab of Purdue University
Official MLA Style Center
A Modern Language Association hosted website with information on MLA citation and related resources. This MLA Style Center does not contain the full text of the handbook, although it walks users through the process of creating an entry in the works cited list.
APA Style: What's New
This document from American Psychological Association (APA) provides an overview of what’s new in the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the APA. Content throughout the manual has been significantly expanded and revised from the sixth edition.
Citation Help
Links and information on DOI and the three major citation styles put together by Lone Star College libraries.
Loaded with information on Education with Integrity.
You Quote It, You Note It!
An interactive plagiarism prevention tutorial from Vaughn Memorial Library @ Acadia University in Nova Scotia