Search the LSCS Libraries' Online Catalog:
Use the above search box to find books, videos and digital collections owned by Lone Star College, Harris County Public Library and Montgomery County Memorial Library Systems.
If the book you need is not available in our catalog / system, you can request it through LSCS Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Request Form.
Once the requested material has been received and placed on Hold at your local college library; you will be notified by either email, mail or phone that the material is ready for you to pick it up. Please allow up to 15 working days for processing, if you are sending an ILL request. (This LSCS ILL form / service is for LSCS card holders only)
WorldCat is a searchable catalog of books and other materials in over 45,000 libraries worldwide. No full text, but can help you locate books locally that aren't available in our system. You can use the Inter-library Loan form link mentioned above, to request the book from another library.