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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Women - Gender

Women & Gender

Below is a sample collection of books on women, diversity and inclusion ...

Find articles on your topic by searching these databases:

Women in the WorkPlace 2020 
A 63 page report by LeanIn.Org and Mckinsey, tracking the progress of women in corporate America. The report includes data that reflects contributions from 317 companies, more than 40,000 people surveyed on their workplace experiences, and more than 45 in-depth interviews. The pipeline data is employer-provided information in 2019 and the field data is up to July - August 2020. 

National Diversity Council
"The National Diversity Council is a forerunner of community-based, national organizations that champion diversity and inclusion across the country. It is currently made up of state and regional councils, the National Women’s Council, the Council for Corporate Responsibility, and the Center for Community Leadership."

Workplaces that work for women - work for everyone
"Founded in 1962, Catalyst drives change with pioneering research, practical tools, and proven solutions to accelerate and advance women into leadership—because progress for women is progress for everyone.​"

Below are a few sample videos from our databases. Search for more videos on your topic from these databases listed below: