Search the LSCS Libraries' Online Catalog:
Library of Congress Classification System (Call #) | Dewey Decimal System (Call #) |
HM1 - HM1287 - Theoretical Sociology | 301 -307.7 |
HN1 - HN995 - Social History and Conditions | |
HQ 1 - HQ2044 - marriage and the family, sexual life, age groups, and women’s studies HS - secret and other societies and clubs HT - Urban and rural Sociology HV - Social work and public welfare HX - Socialism and Communism |
Keywords for Socioloyg to use for searching the Catalog / Databases | Keywords for Sociology ... |
Sociology, Social History and Conditions, Social Reform, Race and Race Relations | Family, Marriage, Women |
Social Problems, Drug Abuse, Crime | Social work |