APA Style Guide
APA Style7 Guide for References List and In-text citation
Chicago Style Manual
Notes & Bibliography Citation Guide
This guide provides examples and tips on how to cite sources in the Chicago Notes & Bibliography style.
Notes & Bibliography Overview
View this handout for a more detailed explanation of how to use the Chicago Notes & Bibliography style.
MLA Style Guide
American Sociological Association
American Sociological Association was founded in 1905 and is "dedicated to dedicated to advancing sociology as a scientific discipline and profession serving the public good."
Research on Sociology: American Sociological Association
"Research on Sociology includes information about sociology as a discipline and the work that sociologists do. ASA gathers data on careers of sociologists and the status of sociology education, from high school through graduate school."
International Sociological Association (ISA)
"The affairs of the ISA are governed by the Assembly of Councils which is composed of all members of the Council of National Associations and the Research Council."
A wealth of resources on sociology and other social sciences - works, research and theories.
Sociological Cinema
"The Sociological Cinema is a resource for using video and pop culture to teach and learn sociology."
Sociological Images
"Sociological Images is designed to encourage all kinds of people to exercise and develop their sociological imagination by presenting brief sociological discussions of compelling and timely imagery that spans the breadth of sociological inquiry."
Social Sciences Research Network
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is "the number one research repository in the world, with networks within that span across multiple disciplines. SSRN was founded in 1994 by Michael Jensen and Wayne Marr.
As a leading resource, SSRN provides the opportunity to share and distribute research well before it is published in journals or books. Our site features an expansive eLibrary, more than 1,000 abstracting eJournals that deliver research electronically, and rankings for institutions, authors, and papers, among many other features."
Social Studies (by the Library of Congress)
Collections feature social issues such as immigration, education, community, race. Also includes the pages of Veterans History Project and Today in History. Also links to maps, photos, presidential papers, exhibitions, bibliographies, and other resources.
Social Sciences and Law (Infoplease.com / Columbia Encyclopedia)
Free site with a wealth of information covering a variety of subjects.
Everyday Sociology
"A site that features interesting, informative, and most of all entertaining commentary from sociologists around the United States."
You can post to ask any sociological question using the "Ask a Sociologist" link for the bloggers to answer.