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U.S. History since 1877: eBooks

This study guide provides options to start the research process of finding materials in US history. We have circulating books (that you can borrow), reference books (that you can use in the library only), electronic books (can read on the computer screen

Databases for eBooks

Search for more books on your topic using these online / ebook databases listed below.  (Some of these eBooks are available to download into your mobile devices.)

eBooks on the open web

Project Gutenberg - free web
Founded in 1971, Project Gutenberg is the oldest producer and distributor of free ebooks.

Google Books - free web
Search, preview and download books for free PDF copy of a book if it is in a public domain, creative commons platform, out of copyright, or the publisher has given permission.

Hathi Trust Digital - free web
A collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world

Internet Archive - free web
A non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more

Open Library - free web
A non-profit library bringing millions of free books to billions of people.

Open Access Books from Cornell University Press - free web
Project MUSE, in collaboration with Cornell University Press, offers the digital, fully-open-access  classic titles.


Here is a short list of eBooks available in our collection: (Search for more using the databases listed on the left)