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Health Sciences

Additional Resources

American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy The American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP) is the official publication of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). It publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers on contemporary drug therapy and pharmacy practice innovations in hospitals and health systems.

Center for Disease Control (CDC)  As the nation's health protection agency, CDC provides extensive information, rules and guidance about good health and disease control, so the citizens follow the rules, stay aware and alert of any health-related risks and take precautions to stay healthy and safe. - Voice of the Pharmacists Articles about the pharmacy industry, including new medications, continuing education and career information. 

Food and Drug Administration Extensive information for health professionals and patients regarding new drug approvals, drug safety, and the National Drug Code Directory.

MedlinePlus (National Institutes of Health) Contains extensive information on over 740 diseases/conditions and prescription and nonprescription drugs. Other key features are a medical encyclopedia, a medical dictionary, and hundreds of videos of actual surgical procedures performed at U.S. medical centers in recent years.

Merck Manual - The Trusted Provider of Medication Information Since 1899 "First published in 1899 as a small reference book for physicians and pharmacists, ... the Merck Manual reflects the mission of providing the best medical information of the day to a wide cross-section of users, including medical professionals and students, veterinarians and veterinary students, and consumers."

National Institutes of Health Turning Discovery into Health General information about health and medical research. 

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Pharmacy Technicians This website by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics gives important detailed information related to the Pharmacy Technician profession.

Pharmacy Times News, feature articles from the print version of this journal; drug updates, patient information, continuing education. Full-text articles published since 2007 available from the library's online databases

Physician's Desk Reference An online resource of manufacturers' information on prescription drugs. To download to your Apple or Android, click here.

Safe Medication From the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, a searchable database of drug information.

U.S. Pharmacist Online journal of monthly print publication offering current, authoritative information on issues of importance to pharmacy practice.

United States Pharmacopeia (The USP) The USP establishes national standards to ensure the quality of medicines for human and veterinary use.

Professional Associations and Organizations

American Association of Pharmacy Technicians
Association information, conference announcements, CE links, and certification prep sites for pharmacy Technicians. 

American Pharmacists Association (link for pharmacy technicians)
Association website for professional pharmacists, including drug updates, recalls and news.

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (see link for pharmacy technicians)
National association website for hospital and health-system pharmacy professionals, offering continuing education and conference programs; drug information through its suite of AHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service) information products; monthly publication, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, and pharmacy technician accreditation support.

National Pharmacy Technician Association
Largest professional organization for pharmacy technicians.

Pharmacy Technician Certification Board
Offers certification and recertification programs for pharmacy technicians.

Texas Pharmacy Association
State agency advocating for pharmacy professionals.